The Early Warning System Challenge

by Kolumbus

Identify relevant disturbances and damages that are already communicated via social media before a notice is sent to us.

Keywords: Social-Media-Monitoring, Online Reputation Management, Social Media, Alerts, Crawler, Social-Media-Screening, Early Warning System

In the event of damage to the pipe network (e.g. burst pipes, water leaks in public areas) or cloudy water, there are often ad hoc reports from affected persons, citizens and residents in social media channels. Often these messages are circulating in social media channels even before they reach us, the suppliers. In obvious cases like for instance burst pipes, every second counts, so damage reports reach suppliers usually very quickly. But not in less obvious cases like cloudy water for instance. In such a case, there is a lively discussion on Social Media, before it is reported.#

An “early warning system” that can automatically informs and warns us of any disturbances and/or damages that may be relevant to us could be of great help.


If you think you might have the answer to our problem, we invite you to join our challenge!

Gelsenwasser AG / Manuel Woste

Kolumbus is a collaboration of the three energy suppliers Stadtwerke Bochum, DEW 21 and Gelsenwasser on the subject of innovation. The objective of Kolumbus is to find new business models and solutions for process optimization for the three companies. Thereby the focus is on energy and supply-related topics that are related to the core business – but also far beyond.